
Book and ebook design by a professional book designer makes a significant difference and people are more likely to take notice, you become a credible author and your work becomes worth reading. If it’s a non-fiction book you are likely to be categorised as an expert in your field.

What I do

Below are a selection of book and ebook covers designed by me. Bear in mind that the client selected each design from several alternatives which were subsequently developed.

Black Sun Red Moon - Ebook cover
Broken Hearts and Clarinets - Ebook cover
Ratcatcher - Book cover design
Heart of Clay
Survive - Ebook cover design
The Stolen Soul of Somita - Ebook cover design
Ebook cover design - A Day at the Zoo
Ebook cover design - Darkness Within
Ebook cover design - The Woman in the Tree
Ebook cover design - Bliss
Ebook cover design - Nuggat and Toby go to Peru
Ebook cover - Sister Josephine
Shadows from Norwood - Ebook Cover
The Solo Success - Ebook Cover
Curricle & Chase - Ebook Cover
Ebook Cover - Ready To Serve
Ebook Cover - In the Summer of '69
Ebook Cover - How to Cure your Putting Yips
Shadows from Norwood - Ebook Cover
The Solo Success - Ebook Cover
Curricle & Chase - Ebook Cover
Ebook Cover - Ready To Serve
Ebook Cover - In the Summer of '69
Ebook Cover - How to Cure your Putting Yips

Cover Design

I design covers for both print and ebooks.
Print book covers need extra work as they also require a spine and back cover. I supply five different designs after discussion with the client. The chosen design is then developed. My approach is to not over-complicate the design as these covers mainly appear on online booksheves at small sizes.

Interior Formatting

This requires different production techniques for print and ebook formats. With Kindle and epub ebooks, text reflows and the font and font size can be changed by the user. This allows for the use of different devices and orientations.
Print books and PDF ebooks on the other hand have all their text and styles ‘nailed down’, and can be made much more stylish.

PDF Ebooks

PDF ebooks are generally brochures produced in digital form to be easily transferable. They are often used on the web in downloadable form. These can be highly stylised if required compared to the other ebook formats. One drawback is that they are easy to copy.


Ebook Designer

My name is John Amy, a professional graphic designer based in South London in the UK with over 25 years experience. I have designed a vast range of graphic projects working in Central London studios and agencies. I now work from home and focus on books and ebooks but am happy to look at any design project. If you have any questions or problems about design and branding or how to go about getting a professionally designed book or ebook, please get in touch. If you are outside the UK, don’t worry, the beauty of the digital world is that it has a global reach.

For advice costs or further information
just phone me on 020 8462 0969 or mobile 07773 218 349

Or send me an Email